Vitas Povilaitis presents: A sampling of my artwork


Welcome to Vitas' WWW Art Gallery

Here is my current collections:

I've always been interested in art and admired great artists. I strove to create wonderful works of art myself.

This page contains links to collections of artwork. Each collection contains a series of my artwork, and my thoughts behind the creation, written either at the time I created the artwork, or current thoughts.

The reason I'm publishing my artwork here is because I'd like to express myself to people in a way that I usually keep to myself. My artwork has been highly personal, but now I'd like feedback.

I plan to add different collections, but only rarely.

Last Updated: October 23, 2006 (Added artist links)

Cool Links

This list is alphabetical, except for Larry Elmore, who's my favorite artist.

Official Site of Larry Elmore

Strangling: the Art of Jasmine Becket-Griffith

The Art of Kelly Brightbill

Paul Prof Herbert -- Illustrator

Crash Octopus -- Meg Lyman Illustration

ZiNa Glass Art Jewelry by Zivile Navikaite

Wood That Works by David C. Roy

The Art, Photography and Design of Matthew Scott

Cerebus Art by Dave Sim and Gerhard

The Art of Micheal Whelan

Sphere Noire -- Caitlin Worth

This page is copyright Vitas Povilaitis. 

Contents by Vitas Povilaitis
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